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delay unit中文是什么意思

用"delay unit"造句"delay unit"怎么读"delay unit" in a sentence


  • 延迟单元
  • 延迟元件
  • 延时器


  • Several 3 - bit variable optical fiber delay units are designed and analysed on the basis of the conditions of our laboratory
    依据实验室现有的一些条件,列出了几种能够实现的3 - bit可变光纤延迟单元的结构,并做了相应分析。
  • The lst sigle stage time delay unit is a solid state device which delays the operation of an electrical circuit for a preset period . it has been designed for use with contactors on stepped control systems for electric motors such as are used on electric vehicles
  • On one hand , the structure of delay unit is redesigned . in the case of the structure composed of three 2 2 optical switches , the relations between the status of optical switches and delay error are analysed by calculation and deduction , then a new delay unit composed of six 1 2 optical switches is designed and take place of the tranditional structure
    一方面,改进可变光纤延迟单元的结构,以3个2 2光开关构成的延迟单元为例,对其开关状态与延时误差之间的关系进行了理论分析和公式推导,并根据这一结果设计了由6个1 2光开关构成的具有较低延时误差的3 - bit可变光纤延迟单元。
  • The main contribution of this paper is to present an architecture of robot network control system , and develop a 3d visual system by using opengl and visual c + + 6 . 0 . furthermore , we are engaged in researches on method of robot network control with variational time - delay units and obstacle avoidance algorithm
    本文研究基于internet的机器人网络控制系统的三维可视化仿真,采用opengl和visualc + + 6 . 0开发了基于虚拟现实的机器人网络控制系统,同时对带有时变滞后环节的机器人网络控制方法和无碰撞轨迹规划算法进行了研究。
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